Daniel OG
per en 30 Agost 2011
1,812 Vistes

Can I See Your Phone? One Second. "Delete, Delete, Delete" Here you go.

"Are you free tomorrow?" , "No, I'm expensive, Sorry" :D

What's the difference between a mosquito and a slut? A mosquito stops sucking when you slap it

The worst part about starting a new relationship is learning how to fart silently

*Someone follows you on Twitter
* YAY!, a new follower!
* Someone follows you in real life...

If sluts were airplanes, my school would be a damn airport

The fake laugh you do when you don't understand what somebody just said to you...

If you believe in REINCARNATION, then your gravestone should say "BRB" instead of "R.I.P" :D

MENstruation, MENopause, MENtal breakdowns...Notice how most of women's problems begins with men  :D


By Aspen R.

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